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PAN Card Banane Ke Liye Online Kaise Apply Kare

स्थायी खाता संख्या (PAN or Permanent Account Number) एक दस अंको का alphanumeric number है जो income tax department जारी करता है। हालांकि पैन कार्ड का इस्तेमाल financial लेन-देन के लिए किया जाता है परंतु कई जगहों पर ये एक identity proof की तरह भी कार्य करता है। कौन -कौन PAN Card के लिए apply कर सकता है (Who can apply for a PAN card?) कुछ लोगो के लिए PAN कार्ड बनाना Mandatory होता है। नीचे दिए काम के लिए आपको PAN कार्ड बनाना जरुरी  है। जब आप business कर रहे हो और आपका लेन-देन महीना में ५०,००० से ऊपर तक का होता है।  अगर आप बैंक में saving अकाउंट खोल रहे हो। किन्तु Govt. ने basic saving account वालो को PAN card apply करने का compulsory नहीं किया है।  क्या PAN  card के लिए कोई भी apply कर सकता है ? PAN कार्ड अप्लाई करने से पहले आपको निम्नलिखित बातो ध्यान में रखा जरुरी है: आप एक इंडियन नागरिक (citizen) है।    और आपका age १८ साल और उससे ज्यादा है।  क्या PAN कार्ड apply करने के बाद आपको Income Tax भरना...

KingRoot - Android Device Ko Root Kaise Kare In Hindi

हम सब ये भलीभांति जानते है की Android एक बहुत ही प्रसिद्ध linux डिवाइस है जिसमे आप एक ही समय में कई multi-tasking  कर सकते है। किन्तु बहुत ही कम लोगो को root function के बारे में जानकारी होगी। क्योंकि रुट एक extra privilige है। कुछ समय  पहले  Android device को computer की सहायता से root किया जाता था परंतु डिवाइस root करना अब बहुत ही आसान हो गया है। Android developers ने कुछ  ऐसे applications तैयार किये है जिसकी सहायता से आप सिर्फ एक click से ही खुद का phone root कर पाएंगे। चलिए सबसे पहले हम यह जानते है की device को root करने के क्या फायदे है।  आप अपने फ़ोन का IMEI number change कर सकेंगे।  आप RAM   बढ़ा सकेंगे जिसके बाद आप high graphic का गेम्स बरे आसानी से खेल सकेंगे।  आप internal मेमोरी बढ़ा सकेंगे।  आप battery life बढ़ा सकेंगे।  आप पहले से installed apps को uninstall कर सकेंगे।  आप अपने फ़ोन का device location change कर सकेंगे।  चलिए अब ये जानते है की phone को root करने के क्या disadvantages है...

Android Mobile ka IMEI Number Kaise Change Kare in Hindi

IMEI number phone का एक unique code होता है जिसका इस्तेमाल फ़ोन को trace करने के लिए किया जाता है | हर फ़ोन का अपना -अपना IMEI नंबर है और साथ में हर एक SIM slot का भी | IMEI नंबर का इस्तेमाल Telecom कम्पनी यह जानने के लिए करती है की फ़ोन valid है या नहीं | अगर  आपके पास कोई चोरी ( chori ) का device है और आप उसका IMEI नंबर change करना चाहते है तो मैं आपको बता देना चाहता हु की यह illegal है और यह एक punishable offence है | यह tutorial or guide सिर्फ आपके educational purpose के लिए है | मै आशा करता हु की आप इसका गलत इस्तेमाल नहीं करेंगे| निचे दी गयी tuotrial को follow करे| मै इस guide में आपको imei नंबर change करने के दो तरीके बताऊंगा| पहला तरीका फ़ोन को without root का होगा और दूसरा तरीका फ़ोन को root करके | Android device ka imei number kaise change kare (without root) जैसा की आप जानते है की फ़ोन को root करने के बाद फ़ोन warranty void हो जाती है इसलिए मै आपको suggest करूँगा कि आप पहले नीचे दी इस tutorial को follow करे| अगर आपका काम नहीं होता  है...

Celebrate Friendship Day SMS 40+ Best Happy Friendship Day 2018 Messages

2018 Friendship Day SMS  40+ Best Happy Friendship Day 2018   Messages Today we listed some of best friendship day sms and text messages for your best friend. we provide 40+ best happy friendship day 2018 sms, text messages and quotes here.A day to celebrate friendship is getting nearer! Very soon you will be looking for some beautiful and touching words to wish your friends a very Happy Friendship Day . This post is dedicated to give you collections of Friendship Day SMS you can send to your friends and colleagues via mobile SMS or social media like Whatsapp or Facebook. The friendship day is celebrated with great fervour by teenagers and youngsters by exchanging friendship bands and friendship day greeting cards.  With extensive use of phones and social media, it is natural to communicate with all our dear friends with SMS, images and beautiful words honouring friendship in its true spirit. Let your cell phones, tablets and laptops carry these...

Happy Friendship Day Greetings Cards with Quotes 2018 for Friends

Happy Friendship Day Greetings Cards with Quotes 2018 for Friends:  Friendship Day is broadly celebrated over the globe consistently to express love, satisfaction and consideration between two companions. This is the day where the companions get the chance to demonstrate their companions how they have scarified everything to create and safeguard an indestructible relationship. Send and share beautiful greeting cards on Friendship day, friendship day cards with quotes , friendship day greetings in english and new wishes on friendship day. Every year the primary Sunday of August is seen as Friendship day, this year in 2018 Friendship day is going to happen on seventh August, the way toward praising the day awesome fluctuates from individuals to individuals. The majority of the companions more often than not want to get to know each other on this extraordinary day by going on an excursion or cookout, while a few people craving to set up out a gathering or occasion to c...

Happy Friendship Day SMS Messages Quotes Wishes Sayings 2018

Friendship Day SMS Message Quotes for Friendship Day 2018 : Friends are the best part of the Life. We all know that Friendship Day is celebrated in honor to the Friends. Friendship Day celebration was firstly started in Unites States in 1935. Eventually whole world started celebrating Friendship Day on the different days in the different countries. Happy Friendship Day is celebrated on the first Sunday of August month every year. This year 2018, Friendship Day is going to be celebrated on 2nd August i.e. August first Sunday in 2018. On this day many of them try to spend their whole day with their Friends and exchange gifts like chocolates, Cards, Flowers, wrist bands and bracelets. Some of the people send the Friendship Quotes, Happy Friendship Day SMS Messages and Friendship day Wishes to their beloved Friends to wish them on this beautiful Friendship Day. Happy Friendship Day SMS Messages 2018: Friendship is a Rainbow between, Two hearts, sharing seven fee...

Happy Friendship Day SMS Messages Wishes Quotes for Lovers GF/BF 2018

We all know Friendship Day is coming soon. ‘Friendship’ is the most beautiful and precious relation that fills the colors in the Life right from the childhood to old age. Most of them irrespective of their age groups enjoy spending their time and share feelings with their best Friends. Lover or Life partner is the one who lives with you forever. It is very important to have a friendly between the Life partners. Here in this article we have collected the best Friendship Day Messages SMS and Quotes for Girlfriends, boyfriends, Lovers, Husband, Wife and also for the best Friends. You can send this beautiful Friendship Day Messages, Quotes to your loved ones on this auspicious Day. Friendship Day SMS Messages for Lovers: The best rule of friendship is to keep your heart a little softer than your head. Happy Friendship Day 2018 Best Relationship is . . . . . When You Can Act Like Lovers And Best Friends At The Same Time. Happy Friendship  M...

Funny Friendship Day Quotes SMS Messages for Happy Friendship Day 2018

Funny Friendship Day Quotes Messages: We all know that each and every friend in our Life is very special to everyone. Generally our Friends and us when we met our Friends we generally talk about the Funny things and crack Jokes. That’s the original Friendship relation states. Here in this post, we have a huge collection of Funny Friendship Day Quotes, Funny Friendship day messages and Happy Friendship Day funny Quotes SMS . I hope that this article will help you to find the awesome funny quotes to send to your Friends on this awesome Day. Also I wish you a very Happy Friendship Day. Funny Friendship Day Quotes SMS 2018: We all have that one Friend who you argue with, then 10 minutes later,you are both laughing like nothing ever happened My friend’s friend is my friend. My friend’s girlfriend is my friend. My friend’s boyfriend is just a scum. Happy Friendship Day!! Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who w...